Why take the kids out of school for a year? Why disrupt what is a wonderful life and lifestyle?
So many questions. I'll just add a couple of quotes that I think sum up why we are taking a large, proverbial plunge.
First, from David Brooks in his new book "The Social Animal" (thanks mom):
"For ninety thousand generations our race has been exploring landscapes, sensing dangers and opportunities. When you explore a new landscape or visit a new country, your attention is open to everything, like a baby's. One thing catches your eye. Then another. This receptiveness can happen only when you are physically there. Not when you are reading about a place, but only when you are on the scene, immersed in it. If you don't actually visit a place, you don't really know it."
Second from country singer Kenny Chesney in his song "Don't Blink":
Best start putting first things first
Cause when your hourglass runs out of sand
You can't flip it over and start again
Take every breathe God gives you for what it's worth